White Salmon City Pool

happy fish

The White Salmon City Pool closed permanently in 2019. In 2018, the White Salmon community voted overwhelmingly in favor (60%)  of forming the White Salmon Valley Pool Metropolitan Park District, whose sole focus is to construct, operate, and maintain a new swimming pool. For more information on the new pool, please visit https://www.whitesalmonvalleypool.org/

Free Access to Hood River Pool for White Salmon Residents

The City of White Salmon is providing free access to the Hood River Pool for residents that live within the city limits.  You may sign up at city hall at 100 N. Main or by sending an email to utilityclerk@ci.white-salmon.wa.us or by calling (509) 493-1133. DO NOT TRY TO SIGNUP AT THE HOOD RIVER POOL.

You will need to provide documentation that you are a resident living with the city limits. Do not send children to sign up for free access. Once you have signed up, information will be sent to the Hood River Pool and they will create an account for you noting that you have free access via the City.

You will need to check the Hood River Pool website https://hoodriverparksandrec.org/pool-schedule for available times. Free access is provided from June 1st through September 30. 

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1948 White Salmon Pool