Help for Renters & Landlords in Klickitat & Skamania Counties

  • Are you a renter worried about rent you owe, getting evicted, or becoming homeless?

  • Are you a landlord with tenants who have fallen behind on their rent?

There are free resources that can help.

Rent Assistance

Renters and landlords in Klickitat and Skamania Counties may be eligible to apply for rent assistance. Contact Washington Gorge Action Program (WAGAP) for more information: Phone number 509-493-2662. Additional funding may be available through Mid-Columbia Housing Authority: Phone Number 541-296-5462.

Helping Tenants and Landlords Resolve Problems

Klickitat and Skamania Counties have a new Eviction Resolution Pilot Program (ERPP) through Six Rivers Dispute Resolution Center. Participation is required before unlawful detainer cases may be filed in court. The program is free. The program's early resolution specialist mediator works with landlords and tenants to resolve issue related to unpaid rent. Six Rivers Dispute Resolution Center can be reached at:, email, phone 541-386-1283.

Legal Help

These organizations may provide free legal help:

For renters: Northwest Justice Project,, Phone: 360-693-6130

For landlords and renters: Washington Law Help,